Shardara hydroelectric power station
The purpose of creating Shardarinskaya HPP JSC is to strengthen coordination of actions for the operation of the Naryn-Syr Darya cascade water and energy complex, and optimize energy saving in Southern Kazakhstan.
company's news
About company
During the operation of the Shardara hydroelectric power station, which was put into operation in 1967, the maximum volume of electrical energy production during the flood in 1969 was reached - 648.1 million kW/hour
126 mW
Installed power
History of the company
The hydraulic complex of the Shardara hydroelectric complex on the Syrdarya River was built according to the design of the Central Asian branch of the Institute "Hydroproekt" named after. S.Ya. Beetle according to protocol No. 21 of October 21, 1960 approved by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. Its purpose is complex: irrigation, energy, flood control, fish farming. The reservoir is a river-bed reservoir, the site of the hydroelectric dam is located in the city of Shardara, South Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan.